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About Us

Who are Queens of Chaos?

Since May of 2023 the Chaotic Duo of Courtney and Justin have been the custodians of Queens of Chaos, after the torch was passed by original founders Chrissy and Jim. Since then we’ve lovingly guided it on our mission of crafting quality beers which not only serve and represent the beautiful and vibrant people of Sydney’s Inner West, but also working to bring that beauty and vibrancy to any corner of the world we can reach. We love supporting those at the fringes, whether it’s helping to champion women’s and non-binary folks’ participation in sport, or getting involved in events which help local, emerging artists find their audience. We encourage everyone to embrace a little Chaos by being the most fabulous version of themselves!

Beer As Bold As You

Our foundational belief is that beer should be about fostering community and bringing people together. On the brewing side we live this by crafting beers which tickle the tastebuds without going big on the alcohol percentage, allowing you to (responsibly) enjoy the shit of our bevs in virtually any setting. Whether it’s that first park hang in Spring, a steamy punk gig at your favourite hole-in-the-wall, or a winter’s night of board and card games around that rickety space heater, Queens of Chaos has your back without laying you flat on it.

On the social and governance fronts, we hold ourselves to a philosophy of doing Chaotic Good. To us, this means being the positive change we want to see in the world by recognising and celebrating what makes each of us unique, doing the “right thing” by actually living our values instead of merely talking about them.

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